ChatGPT may help increase vaccine uptake

The Monday Memo

Happy Monday! ☀️

Chatty G(PT) was given the weekend off but that didn’t stop the world talking about new use cases or worldwide implications of our readers favourite AI tool.

Lets get into The Monday Memo:

  • ChatGPT may help increase vaccine uptake

  • 41 AI terms everyone should know

  • Our AI Tool of the Week

  • Growth stocks to buy through the AI boom*

  • Monday Tip- Uni packing list from ChatGPT…or not

*not financial advice!

📰 Read time = 4 mins

OpenAI's ChatGPT shows promise in dispelling Covid-19 vaccine myths on social media, according to a study by researchers from Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria (IDIS)-Hospital Clinico Universitario of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The study involved querying ChatGPT with the top 50 most frequently asked vaccine-related questions, including those based on myths. Results indicated that ChatGPT provided accurate information about vaccine safety with an average accuracy score of 9 out of 10.

While it was generally reliable, researchers noted concerns about the tool changing answers in certain situations. Despite limitations, the study suggests that ChatGPT could be a valuable source of non-technical information for the public, aiding in increasing vaccine uptake and addressing misinformation challenges.

Read more on Ommcom News

With all the misinformation on social media do we want AI to reassure us or is this even less assuring? 🤔

Credit: Getty Images

Meet ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that's your AI buddy for everything from writing poems to whipping up fusion recipes—it's like autocomplete on steroids! But AI chatbots are just a glimpse of AI's vast potential.

While ChatGPT and its pals are fun, the AI landscape holds a $4.4 trillion annual potential for the global economy, per McKinsey Global Institute.

Get ready to dive deeper into the AI world and its jargon as it becomes an integral part of our lives. So, whether you're aiming to dazzle over drinks or ace that job interview, here's an evolving AI glossary to keep you in the know. Time to AI-splain with confidence here

Full story at CNET

Keep us with the cool kids with this helpful list or indeed just keep reading ChatGPT Buzz- we wont let you fall behind! 🤖 🤓

Studio D-ID can create you avatars with speech to make the perfect content for your websites and social media.

There are a catalogue or pre-maid avatars or you can upload your own.

You can type your own script into Studio D-ID and have your avatars be the face of your company. Or just create yourself some fun!

We’ve included a Studio D-ID tutorial here ⬇️

Take a look at our own version at the bottom of this email 😀 

There is a free version, so have a go and try one out for yourself.

We have created our very own for our Instagram and TikTok Channel

What do you think? Click on Mark to see the video 😉 

The rapid adoption of ChatGPT signals a strong demand for generative AI software. Generative AI is projected to unlock a $6 trillion market opportunity by improving various sectors, including online search, e-commerce, and digital advertising.

Two companies that may be worth looking to invest in according to Motely Fool:

Microsoft, with its Azure platform and exclusive partnership with OpenAI, is well positioned to capitalize on generative AI monetization. Azure offers unique access to OpenAI's large language models, enabling developers to create custom AI applications based on the same foundation as ChatGPT. Microsoft's own products built on OpenAI models, like Copilot, are expected to generate significant revenue in the coming quarters.

Datadog, specializing in collecting and understanding observability and security data, employs AI to accelerate incident remediation. The company has rapidly innovated in observability software, earning recognition as a leader in various verticals. With its innovations in generative AI applications and observability software, Datadog is positioned for significant growth in the complex IT environment.

Both Microsoft and Datadog offer compelling opportunities in the evolving generative AI landscape. Their current valuations suggest potential for significant growth in the sector.*

Read more at Motely Fool

*We at ChatGPT Buzz do not give financial advice, this news story is for information purposes only.

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Monday Tip from ChatGPT (or is it…)

We saw a tip from Emily smith on The Tab for those wanting to know what is best to pack for Uni, its answers may leave you needing another list… 🤦🏻‍♂️

ChatGPT suggests a quirky and unusual uni packing list that includes:

- A rubber duck for coding issue discussions

- A laptop case shaped like a pizza box

- An inflatable T-Rex costume for campus appearances

- A desktop punching bag for lighthearted frustration release

- A bubble wrap suit to pop worries away

- Scented candles in weird scents like bacon

- A fake mustache for themed parties or disguises

- Silicone food face lids to turn meals into characters

- Unicorn slippers for cozy, mythical feet

- A mini fridge stocked with cookie dough

- A voice-changing megaphone for announcements and laughs

- A portable disco ball for instant dance parties

- A giant inflatable chair as a unique seating area

- A bed-making robot to tidy up your bed

- A singing toilet paper dispenser for mini concerts

- Backup snacks for your snacks because they need company too

- A disguise kit for going incognito around campus

- A pet rock as a low-maintenance conversation starter

- A penguin tuxedo onesie for formal occasions in comfort

- A fog machine alarm clock for mystical morning wake-ups

IF YOU pack these items I think Uni IS for you! 🤣

If you have any fun stories or outputs from ChatGPT feel free to send them in to us at [email protected] and we will feature the best ones.

That's a wrap for this week's Monday Memo, buzzers! Stay tech-savvy, keep buzzing, and catch you Wednesday for more updates. 🤖


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