ChatGPT web browsing is back baby

The Monday Memo

It’s Monday and we bare GREAT news!…

Here’s The Monday Inspiration:

  • ChatGPT brings back web browsing feature

  • The 5 CEO essential tips for AI and ChatGPT

  • Our AI Tool of the Week

  • People don’t seem to be replacing doctors with ChatGPT

  • People could use ChatGPT to understand doctors

  • Weekend LOL’s

📰 Read time = 4 mins

Whilst showing one of our clients how to turn on the Plug-ins feature this weekend we noticed a little something. Web Browsing is back!

This is huge news for ChatGPT users and enthusiasts.

What does Web Browsing allow? Well you know those messages ‘Sorry I can only search back to 2022’ from ChatGPT. Well now the AI bot is unlimited.

Ask ChatGPT to review your website, give you SEO improvement recommendations, search the internet for more data. It’s a game changer.

Make sure Web browsing is turned ON

How to turn on Web Browsing:

  • Click on settings (bottom left, three dots)

  • Select Beta Features

  • Browse with Bing - Toggle on.

For more details on why you should use Web Browsing read more here.

Any questions then ask us in the replies, otherwise…happy browsing.

Don’t fire anyone just yet… here us out.

Analytics Insight have given their recommendation for CEO’s looking to incorporate AI and ChatGPT into the workforce.

We’re not surprised that number 1 on the list is that AI should not be used to cut costs (fire people), but to enhance and elevate them. Absolutely!

The top 5 tips are…

5 - Generative AI requires new behaviours - We couldn’t agree more. People will have to be more open-minded, whilst being critical, responsible and ethical.

4 - Data quality makes or breaks generative AI efforts - Uh ohh, the companies that have the most accurate data will have the most success with AI outputs. Best start being realistic with those KPI targets and results.

3 - ChatGPT is to 2023 what Lotus 1-2-3 was to 1983 - Ok we think there could have been a better comparison here, but you get the drift. Stay with the times people!

2 - Evaluate Large Language Model Risks - Firstly, get to know what a LLM is (ChatGPT is one), secondly evaluate if it brings a risk to your company and staff or not.

1 - Cost Reduction is not the goal of generative AI - Like we said at the start, this is not about reducing your staff numbers, but elevating them to work at levels not seen before.

Read More at Analytics Insight

What would you add to your list of CEO crucial points?

ChatGPT Web Browsing is back and this is more than enough for us to get our teeth into this week.

If you aren’t familiar with ChatGPT Web Browsing then it is a game changer when using ChatGPT.

Here is a tutorial video on how to set up ChatGPT Web Browsing.

Good Luck and Happy Browsing!

We’ve gone with a double dose of doctor stories here, with polaring views to have a balance.

First findings are that people don’t seem to be self-diagnosing themselves with ChatGPT. Everyone knows how Dr Google is Dr Doom and should not be trusted.

A recent study found that public interest does not seem to be searching for physicians on ChatGPT…. BUT… here’s the But

A different report has suggested that patients can use ChatGPT to help understand imaging results such as radiology examinations.

So here’s the thought behind it… Lot’s of people now have access to their online medical details (NHS App, US medical apps), you go for your regular tests, blood tests, scans. Your results are then uploaded to your medical app.

You put those results in ChatGPT or similar, and the bot tells you what could be the issues. Sounds simple enough. Warning! Patient confidentiality should be paramount and you don’t want to be putting any personal information into your LLM’s.

So.. you put your medical details, results and information into a Large Language Model. What could possibly go wrong? A pharma industries dream.

Be Careful with this one.

Read more at Aunt Minnie

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We provide flexible learning solutions whenever you need us. Visit us now to learn more.

Weekend LOLS

And to finish off our Monday inspo and excited-ness about Web Browsing being back on ChatGPT…here is a Drake meme to show our feelings with.

Let us know how you get on and we’ll see you Wednesday, have a great week buzzers.

Send in your memes to [email protected] 


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