• Chat GPT Buzz
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  • ChatGPT-4 is quicker and more precise than version 3.5

ChatGPT-4 is quicker and more precise than version 3.5

Another week begins and ChatGPT gets stronger

Hello, AI Explorers!

Kickstart your week with your Monday dose of ChatGPT Buzz. Dive into the ever-evolving world of ChatGPT. Grab a coffee, sit back, and let's decode the AI landscape together!

Let’s start with this weekend’s news:

  • Schools in Hong Kong teaching ChatGPT prompting

  • ChatGPT-4 is quicker and more precise than version 3.5

  • Study finds ChatGPT increases productivity

  • Our AI Tool of the week - No more Powerpoint

  • More than half of UK tax advisors want AI to perform manual tasks

  • Our LOL of the week

📰 = 4 mins

A teacher in Hong Kong introduced ChatGPT to her students in January 2022. Now rather than setting the usual history exam style questions she has equipped her students with ChatGPT to support their assignments.

It poses the question if the next generation will become expert prompters and more skilled at finding information the fastest ways.

Although ChatGPT could produce convincing responses within minutes, she said she could tell if students plagiarised using AI. “My students’ writing sometimes touches me, but the stilted content AI tends to produce doesn’t”. Credit-SCMP.com

We feel the same way about the new wave of LinkedIn posts. We’ve seen you 🙈 

Yu Chun Keung Memorial College was one of the first schools in Hong Kong to get to grips with ChatGPT in the classroom. Photo-Edmond So

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 is 10 times faster than it’s predecessor ChatGPT-3.5.

Multiple comparison tests were made by Analytics Insight between ChatGPT-3.5 (the free version) and ChatGPT-4. (the $20 per month version). They found that ChatGPT-4 could produce 1000 word documents in a matter of seconds, where as version 3.5 took minutes.

The data from ChatGPT came from 10 x the amount of data sets that 3.5 used. As a result ChatGPT-4 is much quicker and precise than ChatGPT-3.5. Credit-Analyticsinsight.net

Which version are you using and do you see the value in the $20 a month for ChatGPT-4? Let us know in the replies.

You might want to share these findings with your boss…

A study by MIT found that college professionals increased output and reduced the time of tasks by 11-minutes.

Should you implement ChatGPT in the workplace? Well…

“The study provides hard evidence that workers armed with ChatGPT can be more productive and perform tasks better” Credit-Mashable SE Asia

Maybe us at Chat GPT Buzz should start using it 😅 

Our AI Tool of the Week (which isn’t Chat GPT)

Bored of making those Powerpoint presentations? It’s time to start your journey with…

Beautiful.ai can create you amazing looking presentations with a simple prompt. Just like using ChatGPT you will prompt Beautiful.Ai to make you a presentation and then voila!

Make your presentations in a matter of minutes

Check out Beautiful.Ai to make all of your presentations. You can even download them to Powerpoint to make some final edits.

In an AI plot twist, over half of UK tax professionals crave AI assistance, reveals a Thomson Reuters survey.

About 12% have ChatGPT, the generative AI, on their work radar, with 39% predicting an AI invasion in their firms within half a year.

Yet, the AI enthusiasm is not universal - some fret over privacy and information reliability, while 13% report a total ChatGPT ban at work. Credit-Cityam.com

Like spectators at an AI gladiatorial match, many are keeping their distance, watching the AI show unfold while nursing their 'trust gap'.

A word from this week’s sponsors…

BIT Training provides award-winning training in the IT and Cyber Security sector.

We provide flexible learning solutions whenever you need us. Visit us now to learn more.

Our LOL of the Week…

French farmers are poking fun at ChatGPT this week- posing the question: Well can it lay eggs?!

If you enjoyed Chat GPT Buzz we’d love you to share our page and help us to grow. Just copy and paste the link in the button below and send it to your friends, see you again Wednesday for the Hump Day Catchup! 😄 


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