College entrusts book bans To ChatGPT

The Hump Day Catch Up

Its Wednesday! 😁

Ah, the delightful midweek musings! Gather 'round, for we unveil a tale that tickles the intellect and our penchant for irony. Imagine a US college that has chosen, in its wisdom, to let ChatGPT, that digital oracle of knowledge, decide which tomes shall grace its shelves and which shall face banishment!

Here’s the Hump Day Catch Up:

  • ChatGPT will choose which books to ban

  • Could we be saved from the next pandemic with ChatGPT?

  • Our AI Tool of the Week

  • The Mid-Week Weird

📰 Read time = 4 mins

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The Colour Purple. Photo credit Warner Bros.

In Iowa's Mason City Community School District, human folly meets artificial intelligence as administrators employ ChatGPT to aid their book banning spree.

Responding to a new state law demanding 'age appropriate' and non-explicit content, this technologically infused censorship tale reflects a broader ideological struggle. Vague legislation hides intentions, making compliance overreach a norm.

The district enlisted ChatGPT to sift through a list of 42 titles deemed troublesome. The AI, operating without a moral compass, tagged 19 books as unsuitable, including works like The Color Purple, Beloved, and The Handmaid's Tale.

Credit: The Guardian

This Orwellian dance between human decision-makers and opaque AI highlights the potential misuses of technology in shaping agendas and suppressing voices. ⚖️

ChatGPT, the AI wonder, is now being hailed as a potential savior against pandemics.

Scientists at Virginia Tech have enlisted this chatbot in simulating virus spread within a fictional US town. In a clever experiment, they assigned personas with varying traits and behaviors to 100 agents in Dewberry Hollow.

By providing health information and feedback, the AI-driven simulation demonstrated that people are more likely to self-quarantine, effectively flattening the curve of an epidemic.

This research not only introduces a novel epidemic modeling technique but also underscores the potential of AI to comprehend and model complex human behaviors within intricate systems.

Credit: Daily Mail

In a twist of AI fate, ChatGPT goes from essay writer to pandemic buster, proving that even chatbots can flatten the curve and keep fictional towns safe. 😇🤖 can build websites in a matter of minutes based on your prompts and desires.

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Sam Altman- OpenAI Ceo, Credit: Wikimedia

Elon Musk, a key investor in OpenAI with around $50 million, left the company in 2018, raising questions about his motivations and the company's direction.

Musk's departure was reportedly influenced by a "conflict of interest" due to his involvement with AI-focused companies SpaceX and Tesla. Speculations also suggest disagreements about control.

Sam Altman, OpenAI's CEO, shared in an interview that Musk's exit was challenging, necessitating a shift in focus to secure funding for the organization.

Despite Musk's exit, Microsoft stepped in as a significant investor, forming a lasting partnership with OpenAI, marked by a multi-billion-dollar ($10B!!!) investment commitment.

Altman expressed concerns about unregulated AI, particularly ChatGPT, and its potential dangers. He has highlighted the need for careful regulation to avoid risks.

OpenAI's efforts to refine its AI tools continue, yet worries persist about AI's impact on job displacement and the broader technological landscape.

Elon Musk's AI Odyssey: Can He Outsmart the Machines After Exiting OpenAI? We wouldn’t bet against him… ⏳💁🏻‍♀️

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Our Midweek Weird

We asked ChatGPT to interpret the biggest trending world story today into a meme using the ‘meme generator’ plugin for GPT4.* 🤦🏻‍♂️

*Generative content does not directly reflect any political views of ChatGPT Buzz

If you have any fun stories or outputs from ChatGPT feel free to send them in to us at [email protected] and we will feature the best ones.

That's a wrap for this week's Humpday Catch Up, buzzers! Stay tech-savvy, keep buzzing, and catch you Friday for more updates! 🚀

Humday Catchu


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