Dr Chatgpt will see you now

The Monday Memo

🎉 Welcome to This Week's Chat GPT Buzz! 🎉

Hello Buzzers! It's Monday. From healthcare to education and even financial planning, ChatGPT is making headlines. Let's dive in!

📰 Read Time = 5 mins

Here’s the Monday Memo:

  • Is ChatGPT a better doctor?

  • First university year starts with ChatGPT

  • Our AI Tool of the Week

  • Plan your retirement with ChatGPT

  • Our Monday Chuckle - Meet Steve

📰 Read time = 4 mins

*We have changed the text to ‘align left’ to enable a better reading experience, please let us know if you prefer?

A recent study reveals that ChatGPT outperforms human doctors in diagnosing certain medical conditions. But should we trust AI with our health?

We’ve all had the anxiety of consulting with Dr Google, and medical wait times can be frustrating depending on your location. Dr Chatgpt is free and instant. Disclouse: We are in no way saying to leave your medical concerns to ChatGPT and you should see professional advice!

Read more on Yahoo Finance

Dr Chatgpt will see you now

"ChatGPT as your personal physician? It's closer than you think!" 🩺

A new study shows that ChatGPT can outperform university students in writing tasks. Is this the future of education?

With university terms just around the corner and freshers weeks stocking up on snakebite and jelly vodka shots, lecturers are looking for new ways to control AI assisted assignments.

This will be the first full year of ChatGPT being available for university students. Should this generation of students be supported with embracing the technological advances of AI, or go back to chalk boards? Heck, let’s bring back the quill and ink too. What are your thoughts on ChatGPT use for students?

75% of students recently surveyed said they would use Chatgpt. The study also found the only courses where students consistently outperformed there AI counterparts were in maths and economics. Well done mathletes.

Read more on SciTechDaily

"Who needs a tutor when you have ChatGPT? 📝"

Studio D-ID can create you avatars with speech to make the perfect content for your websites and social media.

There are a catalogue or pre-maid avatars or you can upload your own.

You can type your own script into Studio D-ID and have your avatars be the face of your company. Or just create yourself some fun!

We’ve included a Studio D-ID tutorial here ⬇️

Take a look at our own version at the bottom of this email 😀 

There is a free version, so have a go and try one out for yourself.

Can ChatGPT replace human financial advisors? A recent experiment pitted ChatGPT against a real financial advisor, and the results were eye-opening.

A reporter recently pitted ChatGPT versus a real financial advisor. The findings supported what we always say… “AI is not here to replace you…but someone that uses AI will”

The reporter used the following prompt commands to support some financial advice. We have listed them below to spark any ideas you may have to do your own assessment. Note: This is not financial advice.

  • I’m a 33-year-old living in San Diego. I make an annual net income of $89,000. I have the following assets and liabilities:

  • Federal student loans debt of $37,000

  • Credit card debt of $7,951

  • Savings account with a balance of $11,250

  • A 401(k) with $37,200

  • Monthly rent of $2,500, including utilities

  • Car insurance payment of $60 per month

  • I would like to buy my first home in the next 5–7 years and plan to replace my car in the next 5–10 years.

Based on this information, I asked: How much money do I need to retire by age 67?

Read more on Fortune

"Planning for retirement? ChatGPT has some numbers for you! 💰"

BIT Training provides award-winning training in the IT and Cyber Security sector.

We provide flexible learning solutions whenever you need us. Visit us now to learn more.

Our Monday chuckle 🤦🏻‍♂️

We made our very own Steve Avatar to share with you newsletter updates…

What do you think? Click on the instagram link below and meet Steve for yourself… oh and hit that follow button 😉 

If you have any fun stories or outputs from ChatGPT feel free to send them in to us at [email protected] and we will feature the best ones.

That's a wrap for this week's Monday Memo, buzzers! Stay tech-savvy, keep buzzing, and catch you Wednesday for more updates! 🚀


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