The Hump Day Catch Up

The 5 most popular prompts used by entrepreneurs

Hello buzzers!

Lots going on in the world of Chatty G (PT) so we bring you some of the most informative stories of the week so far with a hint of fun thrown in at the end.

Lets have the mid week catch up:

  • The 5 most popular prompts used by entrepreneurs

  • Is ChatGPT racist?

  • Tool of the week

  • How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Entire Lifestyle

  • Our mid week weird (must read!)

📰 = 4 mins

Entrepreneurs are leveraging ChatGPT to enhance their business strategies and decision-making processes. They use various prompts to engage with ChatGPT and seek assistance, and here are five common ones:

Business Idea Prompt: Entrepreneurs use this prompt to generate innovative and profitable business ideas within their industry or area of expertise. ChatGPT helps them refine and narrow down their ideas, inspiring faster action with bigger payoffs.

Marketing Strategy Prompt: When entrepreneurs have the right product but need guidance on marketing, they turn to ChatGPT. By using this prompt, they receive insights into effective marketing strategies, such as digital marketing, social media advertising, content marketing, and influencer partnerships.

Efficiency Prompt: Entrepreneurs seek ways to optimise their business operations and increase efficiency. ChatGPT provides valuable advice on operational best practices, automation, outsourcing, and supply chain management.

Raising Money Prompt: For entrepreneurs looking to secure funding for their ventures, ChatGPT offers ideas on funding sources and how to approach investors. It helps them understand the basics of seeking investment and preparing pitches.

Expansion Prompt: Once entrepreneurs have their business foundation set, they use ChatGPT to explore growth opportunities. It assists in market research, product diversification, international expansion, and forming strategic partnerships.

Credit-Forbes Read more

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has unlocked a world of possibilities, but its disconcerting anti-black biases, particularly evident in ChatGPT and other AI systems, demand urgent attention.

The impact extends to social media beauty filters that perpetuate white beauty standards, while photo generation apps may inadvertently erase Black identity by editing features like braids and darkening skin. However, the most alarming aspect is that even generative AI platforms like Chat GPT can produce racist and harmful outputs. Studies have revealed that a few prompts can lead to overtly racist results, highlighting the urgent necessity of evaluating and correcting biases within AI systems.

Effectively tackling this problem demands anti-racist programming and a greater representation of Black individuals in the AI field. Vigilance is essential as AI continues to evolve, to create a fairer and more equitable future, free from the deeply ingrained anti-black biases that pose a significant challenge in the AI landscape. Credit-Forbes Read more

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ChatGPT can be used to make positive changes in various aspects of life.

It offers tips on promoting:

  • Healthy eating habits and can act as a cooking assistant with personalised recipe ideas. 🥘

  • ChatGPT can create personalised fitness routines based on specific body goals. 🏋🏻‍♀️

  • It can also provide mental health advice and mimic empathy to some extent. 🧠

  • The AI tool is an excellent time management tool, helping users create more productive schedules and improve workflow. 📈

  • ChatGPT can suggest new hobbies based on users' passions and skill sets. 🎨

    While ChatGPT is helpful, it's not always 100% reliable, and users are advised to cross-check information on exact sciences with reputable sources.

Using ChatGPT can be transformative, but professional help from certified experts remains essential for significant life improvements. 💁🏻‍♀️

Credit-Make Use Of Read more

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ChatGPTs parent company OpenAI has seen news about its CEO Sam Altman in the news for something else this week- a shiny ‘Orb’ ! See ‘Orb’ at the bottom ⬇️

Worldcoin is an’iris biometric cryptocurrency project’…. Read more

  • OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, proudly presented the Worldcoin's latest gimmick – the flashy chrome orbs that scan your retinas to prove you're not a robot but an actual human capable of sobbing at a sold-out "Barbie" movie showing. Because, you know, nothing screams humanity like getting your eyes beamed at by a shiny metallic sphere.

  • Worldcoin claims their Orb is not just a fancy toy but a crucial tool to enable universal access to the global economy. Because obviously, the best way to achieve economic equality is by having everyone stare into the abyss of a reflective ball.

  • Forget about your selfies; now you can post pictures of the Orb against the backdrop of famous cities on social media. Move over influencers, it's the Orb's time to shine!

  • The Orb's "all-consuming fun house mirror ball" effect is just what the world needs right now – a hypnotic reminder of how bizarre technology can get. Hold its gaze, and it will affirm your humanity, or at least your willingness to participate in tech-induced absurdity.

  • Worldcoin assures us that privacy is their top priority, despite the fact that their metal eye looks like it's capable of surveilling and absorbing everything around it. It's definitely not creepy at all, right?

  • Ah, but don't worry! They promise not to store your iris data in the World ID. Instead, they'll simply scan your eyeballs and promptly erase the pictures. No harm done, right? Trust us, we're from the future!

  • Worldcoin seems pretty confident that their Orb will help solve complex systemic problems, as long as you believe in miracles and don't blink too fast. After all, they've already got two million people signed up – that's nearly the population of a small country. Who needs real solutions when you have shiny orbs?

  • So, if you ever feel like gazing into the void and questioning the state of humanity, just look at pictures of the Orb. It's a much safer and less mind-boggling activity than actually becoming part of Worldcoin's dystopian circus.

*Don’t stare at the Orb for more than 7 seconds! 😵‍💫

Credit- Business Insider Read more

*If you did stare for more than 7 seconds we cannot be held accountable for your actions #theorbisyourfathernow

If you have your own fun stories about ChatGPT or its output please send into us at [email protected]

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