Are we nudging closer to 2013's 'Her'?

The Monday Memo

It’s Monday! 🌟,

With the world transfixed on sporting events this weekend- well done S.A.🏉 and unlucky to Francis Ngannou 🥊, we are back with all the latest about our favourite chatbot ChatGPT.

Here’s The Monday Memo:

  • UK security services needs its own ChatGPT

  • Are We nudging closer to 2013’s ‘Her’?

  • Our AI Tool of the Week - Speak 8 languages

  • ChatGPT plus users get upgrades in new release

  • Monday Lols

📰 Read time = 4 mins

Marc Warner, the chief of an artificial intelligence company called Faculty, has recommended that the UK build a competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT for the country's security services.

He believes that such a rival AI would be crucial for national security and defense. This suggestion aligns with the UK government's plan to emphasize the positive uses of AI, including its deployment by the police to combat crime.

Rishi Sunak, the UK Chancellor, is set to host an AI summit with world leaders and tech leaders following his warning about the dangers of uncontrolled AI. Government advisors are considering whether the UK should develop its own AI capabilities rather than relying on US tech giants.

Palantir, a US tech company, has demonstrated how chatbots could be employed in warfare for real-time analysis and advice. Warner's Faculty, which has worked closely with the UK government on implementing AI technologies, has suggested the need for the UK to maintain control over this technology.

Read more at Daily Mail

Chatty G (PT) might get a British accent old chap! 💁🏻‍♂️

People are taking a page out of the sci-fi film "Her" and talking to ChatGPT for hours, and it's making life a bit more interesting.

While ChatGPT isn't as sentient as the movie's AI character, Samantha, it's got voice features that make conversations feel real, complete with human-like vocal ticks.

Folks are using it for brainstorming, creative walks, and even to chat with themselves for fun. Some are forming personal connections, with one person saying ChatGPT is like their closest friend.

But as we dive deeper into these AI connections, the psychological and privacy implications remain a question mark. Are we on the brink of AI companions entwining with our emotional well-being, or is it all just a bit of amusing chatbot banter?

Read more here

Caution: As AI conversations become the norm, watch out for ChatGPT relationships getting so deep that you start inviting your 'virtual buddy' to family dinners. Remember, it's still a machine, not your Aunt Betty!" 😄🤖🍽️

We’ve all seen how AI can do some amazingly impressive functions and we think this creation is up there with the wildest.

You can now turn your videos into 8 different languages and expand your global reach with HeyGen AI

HeyGen AI will literally give you realistic voiceovers of your videos and content.

You could be communicating from Spanish to Hindi in a matter of minutes without having to complete one module of Duolingo. Take a look at this impressive video below.

Let us know which language you would like to create videos in and Boa Sorte making them. Ciao, Auf Wiedersehen.

Credit: SE Journal

OpenAI is set to introduce an exciting enhancement to its multimodal GPT-4, granting users access to an "All Tools" feature that eliminates the need to switch between various capabilities. This marks a significant advancement in the realm of generative AI, extending beyond text-based interactions.

Users can now leverage this feature to upload images and prompt DALL·E 3 for responses, introducing a fresh dimension to their creative processes.

One notable observation is that ChatGPT plugins do not seem to be included in the GPT-4 All Tools feature. This strategic decision could be aimed at enhancing the user experience and minimizing the reliance on third-party additions that have historically offered similar functionalities. By enabling direct analysis of PDFs and other files within the system, this may make third-party plugins obsolete.

Furthermore, users have noticed a more recent knowledge cutoff date, indicating ongoing improvements to the system.

These developments set the stage for OpenAI's upcoming DevDay conference, where the company is expected to unveil further innovations and tools for developers to explore.

Read full story at SE Journal

We at The Buzz use various plugins and having to switch can add lots of time to our processes so this new upgrade could be a game changer if the level of quality stays the same, time will tell…⏰

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Monday Creation - Using Dall-E

In light of our story about ChatGPT being closer to ‘Her’ and not inviting ChatGPT to your sunday roast dinner with your aunt betty… 🍗 

We thought we’d ask plugin Dall-E to create it’s own depiction of what future Sunday family gatherings could look like once we integrate our AI bots to the family….

Dall-E - “Show us what a family roast will look like with an AI bot and my aunt Betty”

It looks like great company and a great roast.

Would you invite your AI bot to dinner? Or is Alexa already with us?

Let us know how you get on and we’ll see you Wednesday, have a great week buzzers.

Send in your memes to [email protected] 


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